Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Is it a Lager or a Beer?
Thursday, 12 February 2009
Friday the 13th and the Knights Templar of Zythos

Monday, 9 February 2009
Leiths cookery school lecture on 16th Feb

Speciality Beer and Food Matching Evening
A Food and Beer Matching evening hosted by Marc Stroobandt Master Beer Sommelier, featuring five or six leading Speciality beer brands paired with some simple food flavours. >>
All students will receive a complementary goody bag containing a Leffe branded glass, educational information and recipe cards with food ideas to try at home. A great evening out and a fabulous Valentine present! For bookings: http://www.leiths.com/
Saturday, 7 February 2009
The Dark Lord Survives
Thursday, 5 February 2009
F&B Food and Beer pairing event

The White Horse
Parsons Green
17/02/09 @ 7pm
You saw him at Gordon Ramsay’s Taste of Christmas and now you have an opportunity to spend a whole evening with Beer Celebrity and F&B’s Master Beer Sommelier
For the beer enthusiast or anyone with a passion for fine food and drink learn how to identify different beers, how to taste and match beer with great food.
A great birthday present or Valentines Day present for himself. For more info or details please visit
www.fandbpartnership.com or www.whitehorsew6.com
For bookings please contact:
The White Horse
1-3 Parson's Green |
E-mail: info@whitehorsesw6.com
Telephone: 020 7736 2115
Speak to Jo
A perfect blend of humour, entertainment and knowledge, I’d send my friends happily to have a really great time. Great balance of learning about beer and real entertainment…
Sonia Harris, Business Development Manager, M&B - 19th December 2008
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
So what is a Triple beer?

Triple beers
Originally ‘Triple’ was used for monastic brews, like Trappist beers to indicate the strongest beer in the portfolio from a particular abbey. Together with the Extra, and Double it was also a reference to the Holy Trinity. The Trappist Westmalle Brewery was the first to create a Triple and the term has been used by other Trappist Monasteries, Abbey beers and many other beers. The definition of the term Triple has always been unclear and has caused a lot of confusion amongst brewers and consumers alike. F&B have deduced that Triple cannot mean the following because:
Not all Triple beers are triple fermented – although there are Triple beers, like Delerium Tremens, which undergo three different fermentation processes. Primary and secondary fermentation are not two different fermentations, as no other yeast culture is added to the beer during this fermentation process. So Brakspear Triple for instance claims to be Triple fermented but actually undergoes only two fermentations. The primary and secondary fermentation, is the same ongoing fermentation. There can only be two or more if other yeast strains and/or cultures are added. Triple is not a way of fermentation as many other beers, like Extra and Double beers, undergo similar brewing techniques and/or fermentation.
Not all Triple beers are bottle conditioned –. Beers like De Koninck Tripel has undergone its fermentation prior to being bottled and has no extra yeast and/or sugar added to create the carbon dioxide and/or slight increase in alcohol strength.
Triple is not a way of brewing beer – Not all Triple beers are brewed in exactly the same way. There are many ways of creating Triple beers, with various methods and even ingredients, resulting in a variety of different Triple coloured beers with inherent characteristics of beers from that particular brewery.
Not all Triple beers are blond or golden coloured – Colour has nothing to do with Triple, Duvel being a prime example. The original Duvel beer was dark coloured and was changed following the popularity of Lagers. Most Trappist monasteries, Rochefort, Westvleteren will indicate their strongest beer as Triple and/or Quadruple, despite it not being labelled as such. Brewing formed part of their socio-economic projects to provide work for poorer people, who weren’t literate so terms like Double and Triple were used as work instructions so workers knew what beer to make that day.
So what is a Triple beer?
Triple refers to alcohol strength and was used by brewers to indicate different alcohol groups as fermentation wasn’t really an exact science, especially before Louis Pasteur delivered his ground breaking work. In the past brewers or land lords used to put crosses on barrels of beer to indicate their strength but over time this was lost and marketers created XXXX – terms used for lower alcohol Lagers. Castlemaine and Dos Equis being examples.
The only logical explanation we have is that Triple indicates a beer with ABV of between 8.0% and 9.9% (between 8 and 10%) regardless of colour, aroma, flavour or ingredients, fermentation- and brewing method. Any beer above 10.0 % is referred to as a Quadruple. When it comes to beers on the edge of the benchmark it is always a judgment call.
Monday, 2 February 2009